List of Top 16 Bikini Trimmers


Hello starlets I'm Sarah from everyday Charlotte welcome to my channel we're bringing a little bit of glamour to everyday life if you want to join my starlet squad be sure you hit that subscribe button today we're talking about the bikini line now if you are envisioning images of being in bikini with sunkissed skin on beach in San Tropez yes it's very glam you know it's not glam ingrown hairs in your bikini line it's a subject nobody wants to talk about it makes us uncomfortable like to talk about and to have I guess it's true but you know what if we don't talk about it and can't fix the problem so I'm here to talk about some of the techniques that I use to eliminate ingrown hairs and my bikini line I will not be showing you pictures because I'm pretty sure they could get me banned on YouTube it's inappropriate content there won't be any bikini line photos going on here because I think nobody want to see that so I'm going to cover my sort of bikini area routine it's very important to cleanse the area I actually talked about my body wash that I use and my body scrubber in my how to get rid of bacne video which I will link to this one so you can kind of see a little bit more of my shower routine there that's not obviously something is my back but I use that all over my body so you can check out that video to see that the cleansing the area is very important a new product that I actually have discovered they actually sent this to me they are not sponsoring this video but they did send me this to try out and I gave it a try and I enjoyed it so I want to tell you about it this is the Clio si lo not sure how you pronounce that but it is the palm perfect bikini trimming system this has three attachments I only have two of them handy right now the other one is I'm not sure what the other attachment does but but basically this one is like a brush which is basically kind of like a face brush it's a bank of a floor going over your bikini line when you're cleansing so you put in your cleanser and you can do that now I use like a body scrubber.

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